If you are struggling to put together a down payment and/or closing costs, The Shared Appreciation Loan may be perfect for you! Of course, qualifications and restrictions apply. Let's see if you qualify!
Under the Dream For All initiative, The Shared Appreciation Loan offers down payment support tailored for first-time homebuyers. This program is designed to complement the Dream For All Conventional primary mortgage, aiding in covering down payment expenses and/or closing costs.
Once the home is sold or its ownership is transferred, the homebuyer is required to reimburse the initial down payment loan amount along with a portion of the increased value (appreciation) that the home has gained over time.
Let’s look at a simple example:
Borrower is a CalHFA Income Homebuyer
• Dream For All provides a loan for 20% of the home purchase price.
• The homeowner pays back the original loan amount plus 20% of any appreciation in the value of the home.
There are programs for low-income buyers which offer similar down payment structures but require a smaller repayment when the home is sold.
Buyer Education is a Key Component

CalHFA firmly believes that homebuyer education and counseling is critical to the success and happiness of a homeowner and requires homebuyer education and counseling for first-time homebuyers using a CalHFA program.
Learn more about the options for virtual and online courses. Please call me TODAY to walk through the options and to find a great mortgage loan officer who is well-versed in this great program. Funding for this program has been reinstated and classes will be available this fall for a very limited time. Don’t wait.
It’s time to make your California homeownership dreams a reality. I can’t wait to help you on your journey!